The Fresno Center Mayor Lee Brand Scholarship along side with the Family Adversity Scholarship, totaling in $10,000, was awarded to 10 lucky recipients on May 28th, 2022. Each receiving $1,000 to help kick start their future careers.
The following are our Award Recipients from the Class of 2022:
- Aaron Yang, Clovis East High School
- Allison Moua, Clovis High School
- Anysa Chanthavong, Sanger High School
- Cameryn Phouthavong, Buchanan High School
- Destiny Do, Fresno High School
- Jet Lee, Sanger High School
- Jordan Jackson, Edison High School
- Pang Nhia Yang, Washington Union High School
- Phoua Thao, Duncan Polytechnical High School
- Pria Nahal, Central East High School
Thanks to our Partners and Scholarship Readers!!
Mai Yeng Xiong – Parent University Coordinator & Scholarship Chair
Chankeo Vang – Manager I, Community and Family Services, Parent University
Veronica Thao – Program Coordinator Supervisor, GOTV
Sopheak Chhit – Community Educator
Cyndee Loryang – Senior Program Coordinator